Kirstie Adam

Kirstie Adam

Business Services Manager

Kirstie joined the team in January 2015 to assist the company with the day to day tasks of office administration. With previous experience in promotional marketing materials alongside a photographic degree, Kirstie has rapidly taken charge of IP Asset’s website. Kirstie ensures, along with Jodie Admans, that the accounts department runs smoothly to allow the remaining team to have the time and information they require along with making sure our clients receive their invoices within a suitable timeframe at the beginning of every month. Kirstie has also taken charge of being chief liaison, alongside Ian Bingham, with the IT suppliers. Alongside the directors, Kirstie assists the HR team when new employees join the team. This includes setting up and acquiring IT equipment for the employee along with their inductions on the first day or two with us.

When she is not in the office, Kirstie enjoys travelling around the world and spending time with her family. She also enjoys a DIY project and finds the challenges that come from them help build her problem-solving skills as well as finding it extremely rewarding.