Ian Bingham

Ian Bingham

Managing Partner

A European & British patent attorney and Registered Trade Mark Attorney as well as a Rolls-Royce trained mechanical engineer, Ian has some thirty years’ experience in diverse technologies ranging from Aerospace materials to Medical Equipment and has gained much experience in the commercialisation of Intellectual Property.

Ian’s strength is helping his clients to extract value from their intellectual property, through managing and creating highly commercial IP portfolios and commercialisation of the rights. This is done through the advanced techniques and methods which Ian has developed for identifying and valuing key patents, and for gathering infringement data prior to licence discussions or litigation.

Ian specialises in drafting commercially focussed patent applications aimed at exceeding accepted standards and requirements throughout the main patent offices of the world and has extensive experience of prosecuting and securing patent protection in Europe, the USA, China, Australia, Japan and many other countries. A “right first time” approach is brought to the initial draft aimed at minimising subsequent amendments and argumentation whilst still securing strong commercially appropriate patents. Ian has developed a streamlined approach to patent drafting based on obtaining an approved set of claims before commencing drafting of the specific description. This approach allows him to ensure all the necessary data and information is collected and highlighted before the lengthy and time consuming process of drafting the application commences. Strong and multiple fall-back positions are discussed and secured and Ian’s strong technical background allows him to contribute greatly to this process.

Ian has been an in-house patent attorney at Rolls-Royce, BOC Gases, British Aerospace and Massey-Ferguson where he gained valuable experience in an extensive range of Aerospace, Automotive and Medical technologies. As Deputy Director of IP at BTG PLC, he gained significant experience in asserting and licensing patents and in the development of strong IP positions as well as the strategic use of IP as a commercial tool.

Extensive experience of managing technology development has helped Ian create effective tools for helping companies identify the key problems to be solved in getting a product to market and matching those problems to IP issues and opportunities to ensure the companies extract maximum value from their IP.

Ian was an undergraduate engineer with Rolls-Royce and maintains a strong interest in Aeronautical and Mechanical engineering and is a keen MG owner and restorer. A keen lover of all things sporty, Ian enjoys windsurfing, skiing, cycling and running as well as love of classic cars. Ian is also a keen explorer having travelled to many places both far and near including the Far East, New Zealand and extensively in European and the USA.

Ian is also a director of IP Asset Ventures (the trading name of IPAV Limited). IP Asset Ventures is a non-legal consultancy which assists clients with the commercialisation of IP and technology, particularly with healthcare translation.